International Tax

Cross border tax planning and transfer pricing has become a significant issue for companies with international operations and can yield significant savings for your business

All tax authorities have significantly improved the resources they have to police and monitor transfer pricing and cross border tax issues with penalties of up to 100% of tax owing. It is essential businesses plan how they structure and operate their subsidiaries to ensure an efficient tax profile across the organisation.

Epoch can develop and implement plans and strategies that meet regulatory requirements and fit with how your business actually operates to minimise risk, effective tax rate and cash tax. Specifically we can assist with the following:

  • Transfer Pricing policies and documentation
  • CFC exposures and cash repatriation strategies
  • Permanent Establishment risk and mitigation
  • Tax incentive & Investment schemes and R&D deductions
  • Intellectual property management and licensing arrangements
  • With-holding tax mitigation and utilisation
  • Elimination of double taxation
  • Tax efficient supply chain management
  • Set up and implementation of shared service centres

We have specific expertise in China and SE Asia in respect of Hi Tech tax incentive schemes, super R&D deductions, Chinese transfer pricing regulations, establishment of businesses within China and holding company structures.







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